Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Lord of the Rings Half-Troll Angmar Standard Bearer released

Mithril has released a new miniature from the Gold Status LOTR Fellowship club, that won the April 2009 vote. There are only 150 produced and they are priced at 24.95 Euro each, duplicates are reduced to only 19.95 Euro.

The Fellowship club is made up of the elite Lord of the Rings collectors who love Mithril miniatures and J.R.R. Tolkien's writings, and every month they submit their unique ideas to our forum and vote on them. The winning idea is produced and only available to the members. If you are interested in becoming one of these elite collectors apply to Mithril Miniatures Fellowship club today.

More info about this release: Angmar was a land in the far north of the Misty Mountains founded by the Nazgul Witch-king. The ringwraith serves Sauron so Angmar waged war on any allies of Gondor near them.
In the Battle of Fornost the forces of Angmar were defeated and the Witch-king fled to Mordor, leaving his realm to its fate.

This miniature is primed in grey primer to allow collectors to paint them immediately.

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