Wednesday, 30 August 2017

New Mithril Releases: 'Elfhelm mounted' and 'Deadman of Dunharrow'

Mithril is moving ahead to release a stream of new miniatures to catch up on the Fellowship club backlog of winning ideas over the last few years. The delay is largely due to the teething problems of converting over to a new production and design method. The learning curve was steeper than we realised. However that is in the past and we are now able to release two figures per month.

The first figure is Elfhelm mounted, a Rohirrim Marshal of the Mark, that fought during the War of the Ring against the Easterlings and Orcs of Mordor.

The second figure is a Deadman of Dunharrow, an oathbreaker that had been summoned by Aragorn to aid in defeating the Corsairs of Umbar. This feat would fulfill the Dunharrow dead's promise to serve the true king and they were released from their curse.

These figures are 32mm scale, made in metal. They are unprimed and do require a little assembly.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

NEW RELEASE: Seven Years War Artillery moulds in August 2017

New Prince August moulds | Seven Years War Artillery moulds.
Prince August Seven Years War Artillery moulds
Prince August has released three new products this August. Previously they released infantry moulds for nations Prussia, Russian, France and Austria (including Hungarian forces) and now for the first time they have supplemented those moulds with artillery moulds. These new moulds include a cannon (2 moulds) and four crewmen (two per mould). The cannon has four interchangeable barrels and the crewmen have interchangeable heads so they can represent different nations.

Seven Years War Artillery Cannon mould from Prince August
PA3117 Seven Years War Artillery Cannon / Howitzer label.
To those not familiar with the series, the Seven Years War range covers one of the first truly worldwide wars in human history.
The Seven Years' war took place in the mid-eighteenth century and involved most of the great European powers of the day. Prussia, allied with Britain faced a coalition of many other states, notably Austria and France but also Sweden, Saxony and later Spain. Two separate conflicts really stood at the root of the war.
Firstly the struggle between an emergent Prussia and Austria over the Holy Roman empire and other disputes and secondly a developing colonial rivalry between Britain and France.
The main focus of the war was Europe but it also spread to the New World and India. Russia also participated in the Seven Years War at first on the side of Austria but later switching to an alliance with Prussia.

Seven Years War Artillery mould - Officer and Crewman carrying round.
Seven Years War Artillery Crewmen mould PA3118 - Officer and Crewman carrying round.
The moulds are vulcanised rubber and can be reused hundreds of times. They are suitable for low temperature metal casting, like pewter or one of the Prince August alloys like Model Metal.
The scale is 40mm and the figures are semi-flat (excluding the cannon which is fully round). Some assembly of cast pieces is required so superglue or solder is required.

Seven Years War Artillery moulds - Aligner and Crewman with ram-rod.
Seven Years War Artillery mould - Aligner and Crewman with ram-rod.
There is a bundle offer for all three moulds which saves you 10%. Prince August also offered for a limited time a special half price metal deal which expires at noon on Friday August 4th 2017 GMT+1.