Mithril Miniatures has released in December 2015 two more winning ideas from their Fellowship club. These ideas were suggested by and voted on by members of that club last year.
The first one is Thorin and Roac. Roac is an intelligent Raven that acted as an intelligence gathering agent for the Dwarves and especially Thorin Oakenshield.
The second release is Angbor of Lamedon, a Lord of one of Gondor's provinces. He lead his small army against the landing parties of Corsairs during the War of the Ring until releaved by Aragorn with his army of dead. He then brought his forces to the capital, Minas Tirith, to assist in resisting the besieging Mordorian armies.
Both of these fine miniatures were designed by Chris Tubb and will require a small amount of assembly. They are pre-primed.