Thursday, 17 April 2014

April's Seven Years' War Moulds Update 

Last month Prince August launched the first three moulds for our new Seven years war range using a revolutionary  new casting system. Completely different from anything produced before these moulds use a modular system with separate bodies, heads and accessories, which enable you to produce many more troop types and variants with many fewer moulds.

As an example, from our first three moulds which represent Prussian infantry you can make units of Grenadiers, musketeers and fusiliers all complete with their respective complements of NCO’s officers and drummers. Each mould contains information about the different troops and clear line-drawings which show you  how to assemble them and what troop types you will need for each unit. Also our new system of attaching heads to bodies gives you almost invisible joints and by using our new Super-gel the end result is almost as strong as a one-piece casting.

Working closely with wargamers and experts on the period we  aim to  expand the range to cover all major armies and troop types of the period.
Our next release will comprise  two  moulds : the first together with the components from the first three moulds will allow you to make Austrian fusilier regiments, again with all their officers, NCO’s and drummers, in both advancing and “March attack” poses. The second mould, again with components from the first three Prussian moulds will allow you to make the Prussian guard regiment, and all the previous Prussian  units in the “March attack" pose.

This will be followed by three moulds of the “Hungarian” troops of the Austrian empire, which will allow you to make Hungarian fusiliers and Grenadiers, and also Austrian grenadier units. All moulds contains full instructions on how to create all the different troop types.

Future releases include:

PA3104 Prussian guards regt , March attack pose and fusilier drummer

PA3105 Austrian (German) fusiliers, advancing and March attck

PA3106  Hungarian infantry: officer and standard-bearer

PA3107  Hungarian drummer and NCO

PA3108  Hungarian inf advancing and march attack

PA3109  Russian infantry  in Summer uniform

PA3110 Russian infantry drummer and NCO

PA3111 Russian infantry – Observation corps, winter uniforms and guards regt.

Moulds 3112 to 3118, will cover cavalry ( cuirassiers and dragoons ) for the Prussian, Austrian and Russian armies, together with artillery.

Cute New Easter Decoration Moulds in April 2014

New Easter Decoration Moulds from Prince August

While Prince August does specialise in toy soldier moulds, it has in the last few years branched out to expand its' ranges to include seasonal decorations, first for Christmas and now for Easter. These decorations require no assembly or glue and are really fun to paint. These new moulds allow for one decoration to be cast hundreds of times and are very detailed on both sides. There are little hoops attached to allow you to hang them from trees during the Spring Equinox celebrations. They symbolise renewal, new life and fertility, and link to ancient customs and beliefs that stretch back thousands of years.

But what if you don't want to use them as tree decorations? Well they can stand by themselves so they make beautiful gifts to friends and family, and make a refreshing change from the traditional and sometimes unhealthy habbit of giving chocolate versions to people.

These figures can measure approximately 70mm in height when cast and are flat with the exception of the small stands on the bottom. Both sides are identical. The amount of metal required varies per mould but you can cast between 2 and 4 figures per Prince August Model Metal ingot.

If you have not cast before then check out the Prince August video page for all sorts of tips on the subject.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

New Mithril Miniatures in April 2014: Haradan Musician & Earendur, Last King of Arnor.

Mithril Miniatures has released two new 32mm scale metal miniatures (actually three as MS596 has two figures) in April 2014. These are due to ship on Monday April 7th.
There has been a gap of about 6 months since Mithril released the last MS figure. This delay was down to technical issues with the new master figures that had to be resolved before moving forward with the releases.
The first figure(s) was the November 2012 winning idea, 'Haradan Musician', inspired by an earlier release that included a Haradrim Bellydancer MS540.
The 2nd release was March 2013 winning idea from the Fellowship club and represents Earendur, last king of Arnor.
Both of these releases will be primed and will need a small amount of assembly.

Haradan Musician Mithril Miniatures MS596

Earandur, last king of Arnor Mithril Miniature