As an example, from our first three moulds which represent Prussian infantry you can make units of Grenadiers, musketeers and fusiliers all complete with their respective complements of NCO’s officers and drummers. Each mould contains information about the different troops and clear line-drawings which show you how to assemble them and what troop types you will need for each unit. Also our new system of attaching heads to bodies gives you almost invisible joints and by using our new Super-gel the end result is almost as strong as a one-piece casting.
Working closely with wargamers and experts on the period we aim to expand the range to cover all major armies and troop types of the period.
Our next release will comprise two moulds : the first together with the components from the first three moulds will allow you to make Austrian fusilier regiments, again with all their officers, NCO’s and drummers, in both advancing and “March attack” poses. The second mould, again with components from the first three Prussian moulds will allow you to make the Prussian guard regiment, and all the previous Prussian units in the “March attack" pose.
This will be followed by three moulds of the “Hungarian” troops of the Austrian empire, which will allow you to make Hungarian fusiliers and Grenadiers, and also Austrian grenadier units. All moulds contains full instructions on how to create all the different troop types.
Future releases include:
PA3104 Prussian guards regt , March attack pose and fusilier drummer
PA3105 Austrian (German) fusiliers, advancing and March attck
PA3106 Hungarian infantry: officer and standard-bearer
PA3107 Hungarian drummer and NCO
PA3108 Hungarian inf advancing and march attack
PA3109 Russian infantry in Summer uniform
PA3110 Russian infantry drummer and NCO
PA3111 Russian infantry – Observation corps, winter uniforms and guards regt.
Moulds 3112 to 3118, will cover cavalry ( cuirassiers and dragoons ) for the Prussian, Austrian and Russian armies, together with artillery.