Friday, 10 December 2010

Prince August Bonus Starter Kits released.

Prince August has introduced 4 new type of starter kits, which proved very popular in our Visitor Centre in Cork. Two are Irish Wild Geese Soldier kits, and the others are The Brave Tin Soldier Kit and Fairy Starter Kit.

These are larger than the regular 22.50 Euro starter kits. Prices start at 30 Euro.
The difference is these kits contain 2 metal clamps (instead of elastic bands in the smaller kits), paint brush and 10 pots of paint. They also contain the relevant moulds, casting ladle, support boards and 1 bar of metal that the other kits contained. These are more comprehensive for gifts.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Mithril Miniatures video review by Friday Afternoon Figures.

I discovered this little gem via google. I wish they had contacted me directly.
Still it was a good review and from a outside perspective.
Apart from thinking we are in the U.K. its fairly accurate.